Sep 15, 2015
In this episode your host, Tony D'Angelo, gives every future
focused HE Professional the permission to be
as unapologetically ambitious as they want to be. This
show is not for the faint of heart. It's time to put on
your big boy & big girl pants and get out there to tell the world
what you're all about. Have no fear of the critics! You've got
Remember 1/3 will love you, 1/3 will hate you and 1/3 simply don't
know you yet. Your job is to get out there and serve the 1/3 who
love you, ignore the 1/3 who hate you and convert the 1/3 who don't
know you. Do it! Do it! Do it! Live your life so that your children
can tell their children that you not only stood for something
great, you acted on it!