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Are you an ambitious & entrepreneurial minded soul who is committed to Advancing Education That Transforms Lives? Are you committed to Continuous Education™ and the unbroken whole of learning, as opposed to the broken hole of traditional education? Then this show is for you! Join Tony D'Angelo, the founder of Collegiate Empowerment®, as he and his guests empower you with the Clarity, Confidence, Capability, and Commitment, to transform education in the 21st Century. You're at the right place, at the right time if you want to join the movement of Advancing Education That Transforms Lives!


Advancing Education That Transforms Lives

1-877-EDUTAIN (338-8246)


Apr 30, 2015

In this episode your host, Tony D'Angelo, takes you through a follow-up to the X-Factor Question; The C.E.C. Conversation. Once you give some thought to the X-Factor Question the next step is to begin to identify your Concerns, your Excitement and your Confidence. All great success starts by "sharing your truth"...

Apr 29, 2015

In this episode your host, Tony D'Angelo, introduces you to the X-Factor Question. Here's the question... 

“If we were having this conversation four years from today and you were looking back over those four years back to today, what has to have happened in your life, both personally and professionally, for you...

Apr 28, 2015

In this inagural episode of The Collegiate Empowerment Show your host, Tony D'Angelo, shares an overview of what the show is all about. In this episode you'll be introduced to:

  • Collegiate Empowerment
  • The 3 Rs of Higher Education in the 21st Century
  • The 4 Cs of being a Higher Ed Pro
  • How this show will help you
